Concept of accreditation of Graduate Programmes at ACРM - Dual Diplomas

Accreditation of Graduate Programmes of Study from the London Academy of Certified Professional Managers.

Welcome to the London Academy of Certified Professional Managers (ACPM) Higher Education Curriculum Accreditation page. We aim to validate and assess curricula against real-world business and labour market requirements, so that graduates can enter the workplace with the necessary practical skills and knowledge.

Why is accreditation from ACPM important?

ACPM accreditation of programmes is aimed at ensuring that students receive not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that are in demand in today's labour market. We recognise that a successful graduate is one who is prepared for real-world practice and is able to pass any job interview.

What is the ACPM project - HEIs, Why is accreditation from ACPM important? What are the benefits of accreditation from ACPM?

Benefits of ACPM accreditation

Practicality and Relevance:

We evaluate training programmes on criteria of practicality, using our extensive experience in training and certifying working professionals. We know what knowledge and skills today's manager needs to be successful.


Our criteria and requirements allow us to assess a programme in terms of its relevance to current business trends and the needs of employers.

High standard:

Accreditation from ACPM confirms that the programme meets high standards of quality and practical focus.

Advantages of the ACPM project - Higher Education Institutions for Students

Accreditation process

By applying for accreditation to ACPM standards and successfully passing the review, higher education programmes are awarded a diploma designed in accordance with the stated programme and precise wording of the qualification. This diploma is of high value to the student and confirms that the young professional has the knowledge and skills to meet the latest requirements of employers.

Benefits for higher education institutions

For higher education institutions, ACPM accreditation is an indication that their programmes have a practical business-oriented content. ACPM-accredited institutions are supported by an international professional body, which enhances their reputation and attractiveness to students and employers.

Join us and ensure that your study programmes meet the highest standards of practicality and business focus. AСРM is your trusted partner on the path to a successful career for your students.

No fees for accreditation of educational programmes!

The main goal of ACРM is to help in training highly qualified personnel for the real modern labour market!

Students pay only for graduation!

Accreditation of a programme
to the ACРM quality requirements

Accreditation of a programme to the ACРM quality requirements is an option for you if you are:

  • a public or nationally recognised university
  • the degree programmes to be accredited are at the bachelor's
  • master's or doctoral level

You would like your degree programmes to be accredited in accordance with the international quality standards of the business-oriented community.

Accreditation of a programme to ACРM quality requirements offers you:

  • an internationally recognised quality certificate for your study programme(s)
  • reports on your Quality Mark programmes that highlight strengths and identify the potential for further development.
  • outstanding professional expertise in the evaluation of your quality seal programmes

Special attention to internationalisation and professional qualifications, a client-oriented, efficient, and flexible process

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