The aims and benefits of programme accreditation

ACPM accreditation provides you with detailed information and meaningful evidence of the quality of your study programmes

We review the following five main areas:

  1. The aims and positioning of the course of study
  2. Student enrolment
  3. Content, structure, and didactics of the course.
  4. Academic environment and general conditions
  5. Quality assurance and further development

In all areas, we emphasise internationality, professional qualifications, and business proximity.

А new opportunity for universities

Advantages of accreditation of HEI educational programmes

1. Internationally recognised quality mark.

Our understanding of quality is based on internationally recognised concepts. With the ACРM Quality Mark you receive a recognised quality certificate, also giving you an insight into the particular strengths of your course of study.

2. Recommendations for further development of your study programmes.

Universities whose study programmes we award the ACРM seal of quality receive detailed reports from us with clear recommendations, which are intended to give you an important impetus to improve and further develop your study programmes. We want to support you in improving the profile of your programmes and the best possible integration of current developments in science, professional fields and didactics.

3. Professional expertise.

Our pool of experts consists of experienced scientists, experienced professional practitioners, knowledgeable country experts and dedicated students. Of course, our process takes into account the didactic specificities and organisational requirements of full-time, distance learning, dual, and distance learning programmes, and we engage proven experts for this purpose.

4. International standing and professional qualifications.

Particular attention in awarding the AСРM Quality Mark for programme accreditation is paid to international status and professional qualifications. Accordingly, we consider the international orientation of the programme to gain recognition, the intercultural and international content of the curriculum, the acquisition of professional skills, and the integration of theory and practice.

5. High user-friendliness.

Direct links to all sources, requirements, and other documents as well as sample templates provide full transparency and offer you the best possible assistance in fulfilling the accreditation requirements in accordance with the ACРM regulations.

6. Efficient procedure time.

If agreed in advance, our programme accreditation process takes an average of one month from the submission of self-documentation to the decision of our ACРM Accreditation and Certification Commission. We will be happy to agree on a customised timetable with you.

7. Transparency.

Transparency is very important to us. All our work processes and requirements are clearly described and published. Of course, we will support and inform you about every step of the process. By publishing our reports, prospective students, other universities and employers also receive an informed and reliable assessment of the quality of your course of study.

8. Premium printing of AСРM diplomas.

ACРM diplomas have several degrees of protection and are printed on unique embossed and convex paper. All diploma numbers are recorded in a blockchain system.

ACРM quality seal for programmes

We award the AСРM Quality Mark to training programmes accredited in accordance with our AСРM quality requirements. This allows you to communicate the quality of your offerings to potential students, graduates, universities, and the labour market.

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