Academy membership

ACPM consolidates the efforts of reputable organizations committed to advancing professional skills and knowledge for ongoing professional improvement. Academy partners can include professional associations, institutions, commercial entities whose interests and target audience align with ACPM's goals and objectives. Their role is to define, create, promote, and enhance professional knowledge, skill, and competency standards on a global scale. The rapid digitization of society undeniably opens up new opportunities for businesses, necessitating the rational organization of information support.

Primary collaboration options with ACPM include:


Accreditation of provider organizations.


Accreditation of programs within ACPM.


Promoting programs already accredited by ACPM.


Accreditation of universities within ACPM.

Accreditation of Provider Organization Advantages:

  • Accredited organization's access to the promotion of qualified programs that meet international standards.
  • Opportunity to offer clients online training and online exams for the attainment of a British diploma.
  • Potential participation of the organization in ACPM's annual event in London.
  • Ability to generate revenue from examination fees for ACPM programs. Following the accreditation process, your center will receive a certificate confirming its accreditation.

Accreditation of Programs

If you are the author or developer of modern qualification enhancement programs, you have the opportunity to earn prestigious accreditation for your program within the British ACPM Academy.


  • Accredited programs gain recognition for meeting international education quality standards.
  • Clients can have the option to take an online exam to earn an internationally recognized British diploma.
  • Potential participation of your organization in ACPM's annual event in London.
  • The opportunity to generate revenue from examination fees for ACPM programs.

Promotion of Accredited ACPM Programs Advantages:

  • ACPM accredited programs adhere to international education quality standards.
  • Earning profits through the promotion of international ACPM programs.
  • Expanding the range of offered educational programs.
  • Expanding the geographic reach of learners and entering new markets.
  • The potential for the organization to participate in ACPM's annual event in London.

Accreditation of Universities

If you represent a higher education institution, you have a distinct opportunity to accredit your university within ACPM, allowing your graduates to acquire international diplomas right from the outset of their careers.

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