ACPM: Management accounting

The program of the course ‘ACPM: Management Accounting’ is aimed at studying the principles of pricing, cost management, as well as mastering the intricacies of budgeting and managing the financial flows of enterprises.

The course is designed to:

1. For chief accountants, employees of financial, economic, and accounting services who do not have knowledge/skills in management accounting but plan to work with internal accounting, reporting, and budgeting soon.

2. For financial directors and senior and middle managers who have basic knowledge in this area and want to expand and systematise it for successful application in real practice.

3. For other interested professionals who want to learn the intricacies of setting up and maintaining management accounting in a company and aim to obtain a prestigious international ACPM diploma.

Requirements for candidates

Completing the certification program does not require specific education or experience, but basic knowledge of management, economics, and finance will be an advantage.

Terms of study



Auditorium hours



Hours for self-study



Total course duration

Training program

MODULE 1. Management accounting and stabilisation of the company's operations in a crisis. Classification of decision-making costs

Classification of decision-making costs

  • Introduction to management accounting
  • Management accounting and stabilisation of the company in a crisis
  • Classification of costs for decision-making

MODULE 2. The concept of cost management. Methods of costing. Cost - volume - profit analysis. Break-even point

Topic 1. The concept of cost management. Methods of costing

  • Workshop on Direct Costing (Costing of variable costs)
  • Methods of cost reallocation
  • Workshop on the application of costing methods
  • Just in time production management system
  • Workshop on ABC-costing: cost accounting and costing

Topic 2. Analysis of ‘costs - output - profit’. Break-even point

  • Cost behaviour. Analysis of ‘costs - output - profit’
  • Break-even analysis for a ‘multi-productive’ enterprise
  • Management accounting and profit optimisation tools
  • CVP analysis

MODULE 3. Management format of the income statement. Analysis of the sales structure and profitability of certain types of products

Topic 1. Management analysis: ways to maximise profits. Management format of the income statement

  • EBIT and EBITDA indicators
  • Options for building a P&L
  • Workshop on the formation of management reporting: D&A, GDP and Balance Sheet

Topic 2. Analysis of the sales structure and profitability of certain types of products

  • Analysis of sales profitability

MODULE 4. Pricing


Topic 1. Pricing

  • Workshop on the use of margins in pricing
  • Pricing, decision-making on pricing
  • Price elasticity of demand
  • Methods of pricing

MODULE 5. Development of an enterprise budgeting system. Budget models. Elements and technologies of budget management.


Topic 1. Development of an enterprise budgeting system. Budget models

  • Development of an enterprise budgeting system. Budget models
  • Workshop 1. Workshop - Creating a cash flow budget

Topic 2. Elements and technologies of budget management

  • Elements and technologies of budget management
  • Workshop 2. Workshop - Principles of functional budgeting

Topic 3. Budget management

  • Budget management of enterprise income.
  • Budget management of enterprise expenses.
  • Budget management of enterprise development.
  • Workshop 3: Creating a production program and profit modelling

MODULE 6. Target financial indicators. Target capital structure of the enterprise. Conducting a plan-fact analysis. Types of transfer pricing.


Topic 1. Financial control: financial performance indicators

  • Target financial indicators. Part 1
  • Target financial indicators. Part 2. Workshop
  • Target financial indicators. Part 3
  • Target financial indicators. Part 4. Workshop
  • Target capital structure of the enterprise
  • Target capital structure of the enterprise. Workshop
  • Conducting a plan-fact analysis: methods and examples
  • Conducting a Plan-Fact Analysis: Methods and Examples. Workshop
  • Workshop on profitability and WACC indicators
  • Calculation of economic value added (EVA)
  • Calculation of economic value added EVA. Workshop
  • Calculation of liquidity ratios
  • Calculation of liquidity ratios. Workshop

Topic 2. Types of transfer pricing

  • Types of transfer pricing
  • Types of transfer pricing. Workshop

MODULE 7. Management reporting by product segments. Management control: non-financial performance indicators.

Topic 1. Segment reporting

  • Management reporting by product segments
  • Management reporting by product segments. Workshop

Topic 2. Management control: non-financial performance indicators

  • Management control: non-financial performance indicators

MODULE 8. Balanced scorecard

Topic 1. Development of the management control system: balanced scorecard

  • Balanced scorecard
  • Case study on the balanced scorecard
  • Case study on the balanced scorecard. Workshop

MODULE 9. Final control work. Trial exam


Remote learning, recorded video lessons posted on the LMS platform.

Practical classes and analysis of real situations from the industry

Register for a course

Skills after completing the program

Hard skills

  • Ability to prepare internal financial statements for management decision-making.
  • Skills in budgeting, cost control and financial forecasting.
  • Ability to apply costing methods (ABC-costing, margin analysis, full costing).
  • Assessment of variable and fixed costs, identification of break-even points, and analysis of the impact of costs on profitability.
  • Use of key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of business processes.
  • Application of analytical approaches, such as CVP analysis, variance analysis, factor analysis.
  • Development of strategic decisions, cost optimisation and profitability management.

Soft skills

  • Ability to evaluate large amounts of financial data and identify patterns.
  • Ability to spot errors in calculations and control the accuracy of reporting.
  • Evaluation of various scenarios of the company's development based on financial indicators.
  • Ability to explain complex financial concepts to managers, accountants, and other business process participants.
  • Effective planning and task allocation.

Exam and certificate

The official ACPM Diploma exam is held monthly on a scheduled basis, online. Pre-registration is required to participate in the exam. The list of required documents and the exam registration form are available in the distance learning system.

The exam consists of 20 test questions and 4 tasks. The exam lasts 3 hours.

Passing score: 60.

The ACPM International Diploma exam is administered by administrators using a proctoring system (monitoring the student and their computer screens). Completed tasks are checked and evaluated by ACPM-accredited teachers.

Exam results are communicated to candidates by email 2 weeks after the exam. The ACPM International Diploma is sent electronically to the same email address within 2 months of the results announcement if the candidate scores 60 or more points.

More about ACPM certificates


Financial Academy “Aktiv”

Financial Academy Aktiv is a Ukrainian company specializing in financial education and advanced training for financial professionals and top managers. We offer both individual and corporate training. Our academy is an accredited educational partner of international professional organizations ACCA, CIMA, and ACPM. We help specialists not only enhance their practical skills but also prepare for international diploma and certification exams. Additionally, we support the career development of our graduates.


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